Be Like Water

Water is strong, but soft. Water is not rigid, but fluid. It flows effortlessly. I encourage you to flow like water in your yoga practice, like a meditation in motion, moving and flowing, with seamless transitions. Our vinyasa flow classes help your busy, distracted mind return to a calm state, like a body of water that is like glass, placid at the surface, but still moving and changing, taking the shape of the earth that contains it. Weave into your yoga practices the patience and adaptability of water. As you flow like water, imagine you are in the ocean, moving with it, respecting it, flowing with it. Apply patience and acceptance as you let your body take shape like water takes the shape of what is holding it, relaxing into it, not forcing it, to find grace, ease and flow.

Water is adaptable. Think of the ocean and the wind, how the water surrenders to the wind and it creates waves. Think of a river as the water surrenders and flows around anything that is in its way. Think of a lake in the winter as the water surrenders to the freezing temps and becomes ice. Where can you be more like water? Where can you surrender and take a different shape, be more adaptable? Where in your life might you be resisting, being rigid and nonyielding and where can you surrender and flow more like water, patient, soft, yielding, yet strong? 

Water always finds a way, through rocks, barriers, blockades, walls…it always finds a way. And like water, you can, too. You are like water. 
